Wordle Pays Wordle

If you’re not addicted to Wordle yet, it’s a surprise. The game has gone viral over the past month with players all over the world enjoying this one-a-day guessing game. What gets missed a ton in all of the reporting is that Wordle is not an app. Wordle exists solely on the web and it’s 100% free. However, Steven Cravotta who created an app called “Wordle!” 4 years ago noticed a ton of purchases of his old app. Cravotta’s app has been a big hit in the Wordle fever that’s been brewing. But what to do about this surprising newfound…

Wordle: The Un-Game

Games are insanely popular on mobile to the point where entire companies have been built around them. Many come and go, but some have a real impact. Angry Birds, Doodle Jump, Threes, Words With Friends, and more have become juggernauts on mobile. Now, we get a new contender: Worldle. Created by Josh Wardle, the idea is simple: guess a 5-letter word in six tries. But that’s where the game aspect of Wordle ends. This game is not an app. Wordle exists only on the web. It does not have ads. It doesn’t force you to watch videos, offer purchases, timers,…