TimeMachiner. Tech, culture, nostalgia. By Aaron Crocco
The Stream

Welcome to 2022 and the first TimeMachiner issue of the year. I hope you had a wonderful end to 2021. I am excited to bring new articles directly to your inbox and find exciting things for you to read about.


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Go, Ford Lightning
January 4, 2022
We seem to be reaching an inflection point for car manufacturers’ embracing of electric vehicles. Whether it’s for financial reasons, a response to customer’s embracing of Tesla, or other reasons we don’t exactly know, it’s great to see nearly every company make public statements. They are not designing prototype or…
The Right Pucking Thing
January 4, 2022
The NHL expanded into Seattle, Washington over the summer with a new team called the Kraken. For a trainer on the Vancouver Canucks, this business decision for the league has literally saved his life. At an October game where the Canucks visited Seattle, Nadia Popovici, a Vancouver fan, spotted something…
Blackberry: The End
January 4, 2022
In less than 15 years, the gargantuan Blackberry went from “must-have” to “see ya later”. If it wasn’t the iPhone who did it, Android certainly would’ve been the one to hammer the first nail in the coffin. For anyone who truly was hanging onto their “crackberry” devices, January 4th signals…

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Photo of Aaron Crocco with his Delorean
TimeMachiner is written and produced by Aaron Crocco
In the past, I wrote some books. Now, I’m putting my words down here.

My goal is to bring curious readers like you a great mix of tech, culture, and nostalgia direct to your inbox. I hope you enjoyed today's issue.

Thank you for reading and sharing.



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